eGO Academy › Real Estate Website › How to include a QR Code on the printed property details page
The application manager has the possibility to include a QR Code on the printed property details page.
The inclusion of a QR Code on the printed property details page, aims to create a direct and faster connection to the property available online, using a smartphone with a QR Code decoding application.
To activate this feature on your website, take the following steps:
Access the ‘Manage website’ tab;
Click the ‘Other features’ section;
Activate the ‘QR Code on printed property details page’ to ‘ON’.
If the feature is not available, you need to purchase it;
Once the feature is ‘ON’, click ‘Update website’ and ‘View website’ to view the final result;
On the website, access a property details page and click ‘Print Property’;
Finally, on the printed property details page, you can view the QR Code.